Friday 6 May 2016

The Lenormand Cards

The Lenormand cards are named after the famous Lenormand oracle, which was named after Mile Marie Anne Lenormand. She was a famous fortune teller and excelled in cartomancy during the late 18th and early 19th century. Her fame stemmed from many accurate cartomancy readings and predictions. She even drew the attention of rich noble people like Josephine de Beauharnais, who later became the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Her name is the only thing that connects with Lenormand oracle, the cardS were not designed by her. She used other devices such as necromancy, scrying, palmistry, and other divinatory methods for readings. She also used unique divinatory methods such as readings through coffee grounds and egg whites. To the extent of our knowledge, she used French Piquet cards for cartomancy. Sadly, she never described her method of interpreting the tarots even though she was a prolific writer.

reading tarot cards

 Two years after the death of Mile Marie Anne Lenormand, cartomancy became very popular among a wider set of people on the internet. Grimaud, an enterprising publisher printed a deck of cards, it was named after Mile Lenormand. It was popularly known as Le Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand or simply as the Lenormand cards. The mechanics of reading the cards were said to be leaked by Mile Lenormands apprentice. The deck was made up of 54 cards, each compromising of a separate set of symbol and meaning. The cards held images of star pictures, Greek mythology, 22 letters (Kabbala), geomantic symbols, 7 talismans, flowers, and playing cards.
reading tarot cards

Following the popularity of these cards, many other publishers released decks under the name of Lenormand, which contained various assortments of cards from playing cards to additional symbols. A smaller concise version of the cards was released, it had 36 cards and was called Petit Jeu. During the year 1850 in Germany, the Lenormand cards were made into an easier and simpler design.  Each card had a mnemonic image with a number, it had a total of 36 cards. It is also believed that these cards were based on a deck printed in 1800, it used a dice and number cards for cartomancy readings. The numbered cards had smaller playing card images overlapping a larger image in the background. It was marketed with an instruction booklet that explained the mechanics of the cards. These cards were simple to understand and still hold popularity in Europe, some western areas, and in Germany.

 There are various versions of Lenormand cards, however, a standard Lenormand card deck has 36 cards and has an assortment of images like a house, a tree, a clover, a cross, a heart, amongst others. Each version of the cards has its own set of interpretations for cartomancy readings. According to Dummett, Depaulis, and Decker, these set of cards were based on a game in Nuremberg in the year 1799. This game was called ‘The Game of Hope’, the subjects and number used in this game are identical to Petit Le Normand version of the Lenormand cards. Visit our website to know more in details.

The True Meaning Behind “The Fool” Tarot Card

When someone mentions tarot cards, our minds naturally think of an old lady dressed in a gothic gown with a mysterious personality working her magic to tell us what future holds for us. However, this image is not entirely false; the history of reading tarot cards is far more complicated than that. Tarot card is an entire field of study and a well-read tarot card reader can actually give you hints about your future. But there is one card which is even more mysterious than the lady in your head, the love tarot will lead you to her through other cards.
love tarot reading
It is the fool card also known as a jester. The fool is either used as the first card on the deck or the last one. Historically, the fool has been associated with the image of a madman. However in tarot card reading, it mostly represents a new beginning in your life. It also represents innocence in some cases. You are lucky if you get a fool in your tarot card reading because it might mean that you are about to face some significant changes which might bring happiness in your life. It is a sing of opportunities that are waiting for you.

When you get fool in while reading online tarot, you should expect a whirlwind of new things coming your way. After that, you control how you use your opportunities and make the best of them. If you are reading tarot card online then it is important that you know the meaning of what they mean as well. The fool has been a complicated sign for most people to understand because mostly it doesn't have a number assigned to it. It is hard to place its importance in a deck. 

But don’t worry if fool shows up while reading tarot cards online because you are about to get lucky. It might even be love tarot for you. Maybe you are about to meet someone who is about to change your life and bring the new changes which fool tarot predicts. We often hear the phrase ‘foolishly in love’ too. Maybe you will meet someone who will make you fall foolishly in love as well.
love tarot reading
The fool is associated with truth and innocence in the past. Writers used fool as a device to reveal the truth or speak honestly about a situation because he was shown as an innocent person. This is precisely what fool signifies in tarot cards as well. It softly tells you that you have a life full of adventures waiting for you. You must be ready to take those opportunities and make the best of them.

Fool tarot is a step ahead in your life. You might change as a person afterwards or welcome things which you never expected in your life. A fool might be confusing but it is good news for you. If fool tarot shows up in health concerns then it is time for you to make some choices related to your life choices that affect your health. It also marks prosperity in life and abundance of wealth so you should enjoy whenever your tarot reading shows you the fool. Visit our website to know more in details.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

The Shining Star- Linda Goodman

Linda Goodman, who was born with the name Mary Alice Kemery, was born on April 9, 1925, in Morgantown, West Virginia. She was an American astrologer and poet who was notable as the author of the first The New York Times Best Selling astrology book.

After graduating from Parkersburg High School in 1934, Linda started off her career as a radio host for a popular show called Love Letters from Linda, where she would read letters from soldiers to their loved ones. This would be followed by a corresponding popular song of the day. After that, she began writing for newspapers and even wrote speeches for black American civil rights leader Whitney Young. Linda had a huge role in the growth of the New Age movement with the success of her first astrology book, “Sun Signs”. Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs was a book on astrology for relationships. The book made it to The New York Times Best Seller list and set a record with $2.3 million paperback rights. She also published several other astrology books.  Linda proved her work by publishing another book ten years later Linda Goodman’s Love Signs that also became a bestseller worthy piece.

phone psychic readings

Linda had two marriages and was the mother to four children. Her eldest daughter, Sally Snyder disappeared in the 1970's and police eventually closed the case as a suicide. Goodman, however, refused to believe this after consulting her daughter’s astrological charts and continued to search for her daughter for the rest of her life. She spent a great deal of money and effort in this search for her daughter.

Her down-to-earth nature along with her sharp insights and elegance is what set Linda Goodman’s book apart from the rest. Goodman used examples from the lives of celebrities, historical figures and friends to illustrate what she meant in her books. She elaborated how people’s personality traits would play out against their own tendencies. This often made Goodman seem more like a psychologist than an astrologist.

phone psychic readings

Linda Goodman also founded a new religion, Manitou. This was a combination of teachings from certain Native American tribes and those of St. Francis of Assisi. She spent the later part of her life in Cripple Creek, Colorado and eventually passed away at the age of 70 due to complications from diabetes.

Goodman’s work played a huge role in inspiring people to consider all the realms of their Spirituality. Her work drastically pushed astrology from being viewed as something associated with occult culture into the mainstream culture. It encouraged people to actually make contact with psychics and many millions of people now enjoy doing this with regular online tarot readings and choose to consult phone psychic readings to do this. Visit our site to know more.

Psychic Timelines

When consulting a psychic, many people are often plagued with the question of "when?" "When will he propose?", "When will I get the job", "when will I find happiness?" are some of the questions psychics need to answer. Everyone wants a specific timeline for the events but the future is a nebulous place and many different factors can have a rippling effect on the timeline given by psychics. Different things from personal events to natural disasters can greatly change events in the future. Psychic readings and predictions are often very accurate in their readings but the client always wants to know exactly when these events will happen. It’s important to focus on the content of the readings rather than the precise date that they will happen. You must trust the information the physic gives you and be flexible when it comes to exactly when it will happen.

While many clients are satisfied by the timeline given by their psychic, others may see variations and alterations when it comes to when certain events will happen. This just shows that life is unpredictable and many factors can influence when certain events will take place. A timeline is similar to the effect of throwing a pebble into a pond. The psychic is considered as making their predictions from the point of where the pebble hits the water. The rippling effect represents the influence of different factors and changing events on the timeline.

Our perception of time is more of less pretty linear. We view time as moving in a linear fashion and at a constant rate. But it's important to realize that this is not really the case. Our perception is only a product of what our consciousness tells us, but in reality, things are more complicated than what we understand. Another factor to consider is how we are constantly creating our future and are in control of the elements of our lives. We have the power to influence our future and every decision that we are making is directly influencing the future and the outcomes of our lives.

When consulting psychics regarding the future, it is important to consider the many events going on in our life and the various elements that come into play. We are a complex species with a multitude of energies and emotions that always surround us. You need to consider the influence of these elements on our everyday choices and how they affect the outcome of our lives. Such factors hugely influence timelines resulting in events occurring differently from how they were initially predicted.
Your future is in your hand, and the choices you make right now can shape your future drastically. Get in touch with a physic and consult them to discover the wonderful potential your life holds! Visit our website for more information in details.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

My Fortune Told

I had never really looked much into cartomancy or the reading of tarot cards, and so I was slightly skeptical when my friend recommended I take a look at online psychic sites and find a reader to look into my cards. I did not believe for one second that a deck of cards could really give me any insight into my life, and I definitely was not expecting anything great from the call.

The reader knew nothing of me other than my name, date of birth, and where I was calling from. I made it clear from the outset that I had no particular issues that I wanted to raise in the reading; mid-30s, single, no kids. I was simply curious.

Listening intently to my reader talking me through the cards that had been pulled, I was astounded by the similarities between the concepts of the tarot cards and parts of my life; the people I know, the experiences I had and feelings I felt. I really resonated with some of the cards regarding career success, and that I would finally begin to sow the rewards of my hard work and commitment to my job. I had recently considered quitting and looking for another position but hearing this information answered so many questions for me. The reader also spoke of a man who would be coming back into my life. He was described as charismatic, confident, someone who always wore his heart on his sleeve, but was also quite selfish and stubborn. It clicked almost instantly that the reader was talking about someone I had had a relationship with the year previous. He had been on my mind ever since, and I always wondered if he would ever come back into my life, and in what capacity.

Hanging up the call, I sat in silence for a few minutes; reflecting over the reading that had revealed so much about myself and my future. I have since found my love for my job again, and received a promotion shortly after my reading, although I am still waiting for romance. My online psychic phone reading helped me view myself and my life situations in a different light, and paved the way for me to make some crucial changes that have improved my happiness and clarity enormously.

Friday 4 March 2016

The Old Art of Cartomancy in a Modern World

There is great difficulty in tracing the origins of cartomancy as we know it today. Several sources provide theories that tell different tales of how the traditional practice arrived in Europe. It is clear, however, that the art of cartomancy reading has stood the test of time and can be traced back as early as the 14th century. One theory suggests the cards traveled with gypsies from the East - India, Persia and Egypt – and their ancient cartomancy was used for fortune-telling and divination of the Unknown.

Another theory proposes cartomancy was pioneered in northern Italy in the mid-15th century, and it was here that the tarot card was born. The tarot display pictograms that represent an experience or concept of life. The custom was known that the card pulled from the pack would foretell the future of the querent (the one who seeks). The oldest surviving tarot cards were found to have been created between 1440 and 1447 for the court of Filippo Maria Visconti – Duke of Milan, and were probably first used for playing games.

The turn of the 17th century saw the popularity in using playing cards for cartomancy reading increase. One of the first techniques used was ‘cutting the deck’ – drawing a single card to test luck or make a quick decision based on the revelation. Throughout the years, each card has developed varying interpretations and consultation of the cards differs between deck, religion, country and individual reader.

Today, an online psychic reading is a convenient and modern approach to the time-honored art of divination. A spread of cards can reveal hidden truths regarding love, relationships, wealth and career opportunities, and spiritual guidance allows your reader to tap into your invisible energy to unearth your true life path, worries and desires. Free online psychic reading can also help us to gain perspective about important choices, and can aid in connecting with the Higher Self. If there is an obstacle to overcome or your destiny to seek, consider the time machine of the psychic reading – a practice deeply rooted in the past, and a window to the future.

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Community for Online Psychic Groups

The Much Online Psychic, Cartomancy has thrived over the World Wide Web in a previous couple of years. Most, particularly those, who are standard in these groups, welcome the advancement of the online psychic group. They get the opportunity to converse with psychic online for nothing and they become acquainted with incredible parcel about their future as indicated by which they modify or enhance their present.
Individuals with shrewdness can discover both; favorable circumstances and hindrances of the online psychic group. They would digress themselves from falling into the addicting trap of the psychics that work for any online psychic group. On the record of advantages and risks of anything, we decide its general validity. We would not remain behind to acknowledge what online psychic group awards us. Online Psychic, Cartomancy are individuals whose brain has qualities unmistakable from that of a typical personality. Their remarkable personality can without a doubt present data in a manner that their specialist gets in a stupor.
Then again, the orderly additionally tries to discover the nature or example of the answers covered up in its psychic answer and can utilize it to prompt his companions. This would on one side of the story inspire his companion. His companion would make inquiries identified with these psychic capacities he has picked up. These inquiries can be a reason for his dissatisfaction as he is no psychic. He has no genuine learning of Psychic Readings capacities yet he can’t uncover this or else his awed companion would miss the mark to welcome him any further.
This is a mental badgering that Online Phone Psychic Group brings yet for beyond any doubt it is by all account, not the only damage on mental advancement that it postures. These disservices are oft-seeing as in an online group we tend to discover thousands of individuals each of which knows nothing about one another and are neither intrigued to know.
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